Recommended prep course
These preparatory courses are optional, but we recommend you complete the stated prep course(s) or possess the equivalent knowledge prior to enrolling in this course:
- Introduction to 3-Statement Modeling
Monthly cash flow modeling course overview
This course is
essential for finance professionals seeking to master cash flow forecasting, a
critical skill for effective financial analysis. By accurately predicting cash
flow, businesses can ensure liquidity, optimize financial performance, and make
informed strategic decisions. In this course, you will learn to build a rolling
12-month cash flow forecast model in Excel from scratch, incorporating key
assumptions, financial statements, and supporting schedules.
You will also gain
expertise in forecasting revenues, operating expenses, and balance sheet
changes, calculating monthly cash flow, and evaluating its impact on the
company’s financial health. Additionally, the course covers how to create
informative charts to visualize the cash flow profile, aiding management in
decision-making. This comprehensive approach equips you with the skills to
manage cash flow effectively and contribute to the financial stability and
growth of your organization.
Monthly Cash Flow Modeling Course Objectives
Key Learning Objectives:
- Apply a structured approach to monthly cash flow modeling in Excel
- Build up the assumptions and formulas required to forecast the business month by month
- Understand how to forecast the financial statements based on the business plan
- Caluclate the monthly cash flow
- Analyze the impact of the forecast on the company’s balance sheet and capitalization
- Output relevant graphs to illustrate the cash flow profile to management

Who should take this course?
This course is designed for finance professionals, analysts, and
aspiring FP&A specialists seeking to enhance their skills in financial
modeling and cash flow forecasting to advance their careers in corporate
finance, financial planning, and strategic management.