DCF Valuation is one of the most common valuation techniques used in modern finance today. This technique is flexible in that it can be used for very early-stage growth companies as well as established companies operating in more mature industries. Although DCF Valuation is one of the soundest valuation techniques, errors in DCF models are actually quite common. Finance professionals often make mistakes related to the calculation and pairing of the company’s cash flows and its discount rate. Errors related to the timing of cash flows or the valuation date are also quite common. Finally, many struggle with the right level of detail for income tax calculations and fail to correctly break out the current and deferred taxes in both levered and unlevered income tax schedules.
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Recommended Prerequisite Courses
These preparatory courses are optional, but we recommend you complete the stated prep course(s) or possess the equivalent knowledge prior to enrolling in this course:
This course is most suitable for anyone working in valuation, including investment banking, equity research, private equity, and corporate development.
Level 3
4h 55min
100% online and self-paced
Field of Study: Finance
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