Learn Power Query with CFI

Topic Overview

Power Query is a game-changer for any analyst manipulating data, especially those working with Microsoft Excel. With a simple interface to source data from multiple related sources, combine multiple files and easily automate data transformation steps, Power Query is probably the most underrated tool in Business Intelligence. Read more
Our courses are intricately planned and delivered to give you an exceptional learning experience, building from simple examples to complex scenarios. We want you to learn by doing and by experiencing real-world examples and data sets and get you proactively thinking about the problems you may have to solve.

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Find the right Power Query course

Focused on finance only, CFI offers courses to build skills in a multitude of finance fields. From beginner to experienced professionals, our Power Query courses build essential skills in Excel and financial analysis. Courses can be applied to specializations or certifications to advance your career in finance.

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Why Learn Power Query with CFI?

CFI is a leading provider of online financial analyst certification programs. Our finance-focused training and skill development prepares aspiring finance professionals for an exciting career in the finance sector. All courses are designed with the help of professional Wall Street trainers with decades of experience teaching new hires at global investment banks.

We’re proud to offer the top finance education that combines theory with practice and intuition for enhanced learning. Our programs are condensed and self-paced, so you can take them anytime, from anywhere.

Over 75% of CFI learners report improved productivity or competency within weeks.

Top reasons to learn Power Query with us:

Unrivaled clarity in learning journey, interactives and end of course exam
Huge payoff in work efficiency even after a single course
Learn how to re-arrange data to be more effective for analysis
Combine data from multiple sources or similar files
Repeat complex data manipulation processes at the click of a button
Source data from a central source of truth

Who should take these courses?

Any analyst working in Excel will benefit immensely from the added functionality of Power Query. From financial analysts who have completed our other programs to retail analysts and aspiring business intelligence professionals, Power Query will be an essential part of your skillset.

Investment professionals

Management consultants

Financial analysts

Registered Provider: National Association of State Boards of Accountancy

All courses are accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB), CPA Institutions in Canada, and the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) in the US. Most courses qualify for verified CPE credits for CPA charter holders.

Courses include video lessons, quizzes, and final assessments.

Frequently Asked Questions

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What is Power Query?

Power Query is a tool used to manipulate data and is commonly used for data analysis and business intelligence. It is available in both Excel and Power BI. Not only will it save analysts hours of time, but it will result in reduced manual errors, and a better ability to source and manipulate data from a single source of truth.

What is Power Query Used For?

While many analysts spend hours of time manipulating data, combining data and performing look ups, Power Query allows all of these steps to be automated with simple, repeatable steps.

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