Valuation is probably the most fundamental concept in finance and is a necessary skill to become a world-class financial analyst. Valuation is the art and science of attributing value to an asset, investment or company. In this course, we will cover the three most common valuation methodologies: comparable company valuation, precedent transaction valuation and discounted cash flow valuation.
Upon completing this course, you will be able to:
Recommended Prep Courses
These preparatory courses are optional, but we recommend you complete the stated prep course(s) or possess the equivalent knowledge prior to enrolling in this course:
Introduction to Business Valuation is perfect for investment bankers, equity research analysts, private equity, and financial planning & analysis (FP&A) professionals. This course is structured with a range of video lectures, followed up with exercises and interactive case studies where you have to apply business valuation techniques in Excel. We’ve also included assessments wherever possible so you can test your knowledge. This course is not only good for beginners, but it will also cover some more intermediate discussions for experienced practitioners.
Recommended courses to complete before taking this course.
Recommended skills to have before taking this course.
Level 2
3h 9min
100% online and self-paced
Field of Study: Finance
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