Discover how core environmental issues affect companies and the financial services industry. Learn to reduce financial risks, understand environmental issues and their material relevance, and identify risks and opportunities. Enroll now!
Explore how social issues influence company profits and industry trends. Learn to mitigate financial risks, connect societal shifts to business impacts, and identify social risks and opportunities in diverse scenarios. Enroll now!
Master the fundamentals of calculating Value at Risk (VaR) for equities and fixed income securities using the Historical method. Learn to compare Historical VaR with parametric VaR and deepen your understanding of Price VaR, Yield VaR, and bond duration. Enroll now!
Learn about normalizing income statements using real-world examples with CFI’s newest course. Master adjusting for non-core and non-recurring items, analyze true operating performance, and prepare accurate financial models and valuations. Enroll now!
Master Chain-of-Thought prompting for complex financial analysis with CFI’s newest course. Learn how to leverage AI to analyze financial statements and forecast earnings. Boost your skills in creating custom GPTs for tailored tasks.
Leverage ChatGPT to solve data analysis problems in Excel. Learn to complete analysis tables, master new formulas, and create charts and graphs. Ideal for enhancing your Excel skills through AI assistance and real-world examples.