How to Succeed in eLearning: 10 Tips for Online Learners

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How to Succeed in eLearning: 10 Tips for Online Learners

In the current digital age, day-to-day activities are increasingly happening online – banking, shopping, food delivery, and even education. With the rise of Massive Open Online Courses, or more popularly known as MOOCs,  thousands of students from all around the world can take courses on-demand.

Online Learning - Education

In the US, there is an increasing number of students who take online courses. In fact, according to a 2015 report from Babson Survey Research Group, the number of students who take eLearning courses grew to 5.8 percent. The growth trend has been consistent for the last 13 years. Also, the study highlights that 28 percent of higher education students are taking at least one online course.

There are several advantages of taking online courses compared to a typical classroom environment. In a 2013 survey by The Learning House, 44 percent of online students said their employment standing improved. For instance, they were able to get a full-time job within a year after graduation. Also, 45 percent said they got a salary increase.

There are many benefits of eLearning, but taking online courses requires just as much effort, if not more, as when you take courses inside a classroom. First-time online learners also need to allow a bit of a learning curve to get used to taking courses online. Here are 10 study tips to help you make a smooth transition to eLearning:

Tip #1 – Start Small

Taking online courses can be an exciting endeavor, but don’t let excitement get the better of you. Determine the number of courses that you can take at a given time as well as the number of hours that you can allow for study time per week. You can enroll part-time first to find out. Many Online Learning Platforms offer free courses that you can use to test if online learning is for you. CFI, for example, has an Excel Crash Course as well as an Accounting Fundamentals Course for Free.

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Tip #2 – Know Your Learning Style

Students learn in different ways. Some prefer studying with charts, infographics, and diagrams, while others can study with audio materials. If your online school has a different learning style from yours, you can take a look for other resources that you can use. If you’re a visual learner, check online to see if there are videos that are related to the subject.

Tip #3 – Allot Some Physical Space for Studying at Home

Even though you’re taking courses online, it is still necessary to set aside some physical space to keep all school-related things organized. It may also help to train your brain to focus on studying when you sit in front of your study table. An organized space likewise helps in improving concentration and mental alertness.

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Tip #4 – Take Advantage of all Resources Available

Online learning entails students being independent and self-reliant, making the most of what they have to ensure success from the degree program. Check your online school if it has resources such as books, video tutorials, and printed materials that you can use for your courses. CFI courses include additional resources on our Youtube Channel, we also have a great Career Map, that can help you advance your career.

Tip #5 – Be Familiar With Different Software Programs

eLearning entails the use of different kinds of computer software programs on a regular basis. Make sure you’re familiar with online forums, databases, and online communication tools. Our Business Valuation Fundamentals Course assumes prior knowledge and experience with Excel, which can be obtained with our Excel Crash Course.

Tip #6 – Manage Your Time Wisely

One of the keys to achieving success in eLearning is time management. Once you receive the instructions or syllabus for each course, chances are, it may be the only time you get information about assignments and their deadlines. Make sure to create a schedule and stick to it so you can finish everything on time.

Establish study time each week depending on the course requirements. For instance, set two hours in the morning and two hours at night for reviewing notes and completing the assignments. Never skip the study times that you’ve set.

Online Learning - Time Management

Tip #7 – Know the Availability of Degree Programs

Don’t know what major to take? Know what your preferred online schools offer. Many online institutions offer different degree programs in business, design, finance, or information technology. Here is an article on the Top Finance Certifications.

Tip #8 – Proofread All Quizzes and Assessments

When you take quizzes and assessments make sure that you re-read the question and double-check your responses before submission. It is not uncommon for students to submit an assessment with a wrong selection for a multiple choice.

Tip #9 – Stay Healthy

Whether online or in a classroom, studying requires students to maintain good health. It’s simple – you cannot function properly if you’re sick all the time. When studying, avoid sugary treats and drinks as these will only make you feel sluggish. Eat meals that are loaded with protein, vegetables, and carbohydrates. Move more and get enough sleep.

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Tip #10 – Take the Course with a Friend

Taking a course together with a friend can help with motivation. You can meet with your friend every week to discuss the course content, or go over any doubts that you may have. This also means that you can hold each other accountable, as you have to report your study schedule. Having a friend take the course with you greatly enhances the learning experience.

Additional Resources

Corporate Finance Institute has online courses that will help you sharpen the technical skills to help you Advance your Career. Here are some of our most popular courses, that have had over 100,000 total students:

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