Black Scholes Calculator

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Black Scholes Calculator

This Black Scholes calculator uses the Black-Scholes option pricing method to help you calculate the fair value of a call or put option.

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Option Pricing

CFI’s Black Scholes calculator uses the Black-Scholes option pricing method. Other option pricing methods include the binomial option pricing model and the Monte-Carlo simulation.

The Black-Scholes option pricing method focuses purely on European options on stocks. European options, which can only be exercised on the expiry date of the option. American options, which can be exercised early, cannot be priced using the Black-Scholes option pricing method.

Using this method, the Black Scholes calculator makes a few assumptions that you will need to remember:

The main variables calculated and used in the Black Scholes calculator are:

  • Stock Price (S): the price of the underlying asset or stock
  • Strike Price (K): the exercise price of the option
  • Time to Maturity (t): the time in years until the exercise/maturity date of the option
  • Risk-free Rate (r): the risk-free interest rate
  • Volatility (σ): the measure of how much the underlying asset’s prices will move over time. This calculator uses annualized volatility

Additional Resources

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