White Paper

An authoritative guide that discusses issues on a certain subject along with a solution on how to solve them

What is a White Paper?

A white paper is an authoritative guide that discusses issues on a certain subject, along with a proposed solution for handling them. The term, “white paper”, came about after the government color-coded reports to indicate who could access them, with the color white referring to public access.


White Paper


White papers are commonly used today in the fields of business, politics, and technology to discuss challenges, issues faced, and solutions on how to overcome the challenges.


Types of White Papers in Companies

There are three types of white papers that are commonly used by companies:

  • Benefits of the business – A case study of how a business process or specific technology can increase productivity
  • Technology – Discusses a specific technology and its benefits
  • Hybrid – Addresses the benefits to the business along with some technical details on the product/service.


Also, white papers are now being used commercially as a document for marketing and sales. They are also prominently used in the field of technology to discuss the potential uses of a new product and how it can help increase the efficiency of processes in companies.

Although a white paper discusses the uses of the product, it is ultimately a marketing tool that promotes the company through a sponsorship of the document. The distribution of the paper also helps the company gain sales leads.


Choosing a Topic for a White Paper

Keep the following points in mind when selecting a topic for a white paper:


1. Audience

Similar to writing an article or an essay, the audience is the first factor that is considered when writing a white paper. For a business, they can be longstanding customers of the company or new customers who will learn more about the business and its products and services through the document.

The white papers published by the government will discuss urgent issues and current events in the economy that the general public will want to learn more about.


2. Expert analysis

The white paper must be written by someone with extensive industry knowledge of the product or service and a thorough understanding of the subject at hand. For companies, the document should provide in-depth research on the product and highlight how it can help benefit customers.


3. Problem-solving

While the white paper provides detailed information about the company’s product/service, it should also address problems faced by customers and how the product can solve the problem. The problem must be relevant to the industry and the customer. Very often, white papers are written to address how a product can help the customer evolve with the new trends and techniques in the field.



A white paper should be structured in the following way:


1. Introduction

The introduction is an overview of the white paper. It discusses the main points that comprise the document. It also helps the customer identify if the content in the report is relevant to them.


2. Problem statement

The problem statement is the specific problem issue faced by customers that the white paper will discuss. The statement must be in line with the product/service. It also needs to be stated clearly so that it is understood by the reader.


3. Information

The information section is the most important part of the paper, where the introduction and problem statement are tied in together to discuss the product and all its features. The information will lead to a solution.


4. Solution

The solution section will help generate leads for the company, as it discusses how the product/service will help the reader. The solutions need to be relevant and backed by evidence to support the claims in the paper. This section must contain both quantitative and qualitative information.


5. Conclusion

The conclusion is a summary of the entire paper and can include a list of its key takeaways.


Uses of White Papers

White papers help increase the authority of a business and improve their credibility with customers. They can be utilized in a number of different ways, including the following:


1. Case study

Very often, many companies market lengthy case studies as white papers. A case study is a story about a business, the challenges it faced, and how the company’s product helped them overcome a problem.

A case study contains detailed and technical information and enables customers to see themselves using the product. Case studies help provide a real-world example of how the company helped its customer achieve success.


2. Reference

White papers are lengthy and detailed and may provide a lot of extra information that the customer doesn’t really need. However, they can often serve as a reference guide for other companies in the industry to help them improve their business.


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