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Jun 1, 2023
course update

Greenhouse Gas Accounting

Process of quantifying the total greenhouse gasses produced directly and indirectly from business operations.

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Agriculture Lending Fundamentals

This course is designed to help you use Macabacus to effectively audit a financial model.

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Having Difficult Conversations and Managing Conflict

This course provides leaders with skills and knowledge to improve their skills in managing difficult conversations and, develops their confidence in addressing conflict.

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Introduction to Business Valuation

A discounted cash flow (DCF) approach is one of the most common valuation techniques. If done properly, it provides a very meaningful measure of the enterprise value or equity value.

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Audit a Financial Model With Macabacus

This course is designed to help you use Macabacus to effectively audit a financial model.

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May 1, 2023
new course

Giving Effective Feedback

This course provides leaders with skills and knowledge to prepare for and deliver a successful feedback conversation.

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