Value Change

The change made to the price of shares to match the number of all outstanding shares issued and currently held by investors

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What is Value Change?

Value change refers to the change made to the price of shares to match the number of all outstanding shares issued and currently held by investors. The daily change in demand and supply influences the daily changes in shares held by investors and can be adjusted periodically to go hand-in-hand with the changes.

Value Change

The primary objective of value change is to allow equal weighing of shares that belong to a specific category. It also illustrates the steps to be followed when calculating the metric used to compare and assess tools of investments by factoring in the outstanding stock.

Here, outstanding shares do not include any reinvested stock. The total amount of shares held by investors is further used to estimate the cash flow per share and income per share. In turn, investors can use such metrics to derive information about earnings per share.


  • Value change refers to the modified price of shares to reflect outstanding shares currently held by investors.
  • Value change plays an important role in offsetting the difference in stock prices to enable investors to acquire and trade shares actively.
  • The main factors that influence value change include valuation multiples and earning bases.

Example of Value Change

ABC Limited owns 200,000 outstanding shares in the market. The management decides to issue an additional 200,000 shares, doubling the number of outstanding shares in the public market.

As a result, the management agrees to effect value change to reflect the significant change in the number of outstanding shares. When making the adjustment, the management considers the number of stocks that have been issued and are in the hands of investors.

Modifying the price per share can be used to equally weigh the class of stocks in a group.

Impact of Value Change on a Stock’s Price

Most investors embrace the strategy of actively acquiring and trading market portfolios, rather than purchasing and holding stock. Active trading translates to the movement of stock prices influenced by buying and selling decisions.

A company can use value change as a way of destabilizing stock prices, which in the long run, can result in price volatility. Two arguments to justify the phenomenon, as listed below:

1. Compared to individual demand, fluctuations in a company’s market share result in a comparatively high effect on stock prices. It is further explained by the fact that institutions with larger stock holdings see larger trade volumes.

2. Companies base their strategies on fundamentals, an approach that is attributed to financial management challenges. For example, it normally takes longer to pay off cheap and high book-to-market stock after engaging in a contrarian investment.

Also, the stocks may perform poorly compared to other standard benchmarks. The choice often places managers into high-level risks, and financial managers may decide to adopt short-term techniques founded on technical analyses.

Value change is one common strategy of destabilizing short-term investment in stock. It is premised on selling losers and buying winners. The notion that trends are continuous is the driving force behind this form of trade.

From the perspective of financial managers, value change removes “embarrassments” from the portfolio for the benefit of investors. While value change is not necessarily a destabilizing technique, it can potentially bring stock prices closer to fundamentals.

Another neutral view of value change neither facilitates negative-feedback investments nor destabilizes stock prices. Instead, it is heterogeneous, in that it can be applied not only to the outstanding stock prices but also to various stock prices.

In such a case, value change offsets the differences found in each portfolio. However, numerous trading approaches point to the probability of a company seeing an aggregate excess demand that is close to zero to maintain equilibrium in stock prices.

Causes of Fluctuations in Stock Prices

The key market forces are the major causes of fluctuating stock prices. The seller supply and buyer demand determine the stock’s prices that move up when people want to buy more stock than they want to sell.

Conversely, stock prices plummet when the number of people who want to sell stocks is more than those who are willing to buy. Investors are better positioned to evaluate the value of their investments based on the price movements.

It is important to note that the stock price is not equal to a company’s value, but rather its market capitalization. This is calculated by taking the number of outstanding shares multiplied by a company’s stock price.

Another complexity is that – apart from showing the expected future growth of a company – the price of stocks at any given time can be used to determine the current value of a company.

The earnings of a company also affect the value of a company. Earnings are derived from the profit of a company over time, which determines its ability to meet operational costs.

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