Days Inventory Outstanding

The average number of days before inventory before is sold

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What is Days Inventory Outstanding (DIO)?

Days inventory outstanding (DIO) is the average number of days that a company holds its inventory before selling it. The days inventory outstanding calculation shows how quickly a company can turn inventory into cash. It is a liquidity metric and also an indicator of a company’s operational and financial efficiency. Days inventory outstanding is also known as “inventory days of supply,” “days in inventory,” or “the inventory period.”

Days Inventory Outstanding theme

Days Inventory Outstanding Formula

The formula for days inventory outstanding is as follows:

Days Inventory Outstanding = (Average inventory / Cost of sales) x Number of days in period



  • Average inventory = (Beginning inventory + Ending inventory) / 2
  • Cost of Sales is also known as Costs of Goods Sold
  • Days in Period means the number of days in the period, such as an accounting period, that is being examined – the period may be any time frame – a week, a quarter, or annually

Example of Days Inventory Outstanding

Company A sells several brands of furniture. The manager would like to determine which brands are doing well in terms of inventory turnover. He’s tasked you with determining the days inventory outstanding for several different brands:

Days Inventory Outstanding Example

To determine the DIO of each brand:

  • DIO Brand 1: ($3,000 / $35,000) x 365 = 31.29 days
  • DIO Brand 2: ($1,000 / $40,000) x 365 = 9.13 days
  • DIO Brand 3: ($5,000 / $54,000) x 365 = 33.80 days
  • DIO Brand 4: ($1,500 / $20,000) x 365 = 27.38 days

Days Inventory Outstanding Formula and Calculation

From determining the DIO of each brand, you can easily see which brands are doing well relative to other brands. In this case, Brand 2 is doing extremely well, while Brands 1,3, and 4 are all lagging about equally behind. The manager may then meet with the sales and marketing team to try to figure out how to improve sales of those brands. The company might consider dropping Brand 3, the poorest performer, entirely.

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Interpretation of Days Inventory Outstanding

A low days inventory outstanding indicates that a company is able to more quickly turn its inventory into sales. Therefore, a low DIO translates to an efficient business in terms of inventory management and sales performance.

A high days inventory outstanding indicates that a company is not able to quickly turn its inventory into sales. This can be due to poor sales performance or the purchase of too much inventory. Having too much idle inventory is detrimental to a company as inventory may eventually become obsolete and unsellable. Holding excess inventory also negatively impacts cash flow.

In financial analysis, it is important to compare DIO with the DIO of similar companies within the same industry. For example, companies in the food industry generally have a DIO of around 6, while companies operating in the steel industry have an average DIO of 50. Therefore, comparing DIO between companies in the same industry offers a much better, more accurate and fair, basis for comparison.

Importance of Days Inventory Outstanding

  • DIO is a measure of inventory management effectiveness and is used by management to determine how long the company’s stock of inventory typically lasts – how long it takes to convert existing inventory to sales/cash.
  • DIO shows the liquidity of inventory. A short DIO means inventory is converted to cash more quickly while a high DIO shows poor inventory liquidity.
  • DIO should never be compared across industries, as the DIO varies greatly between industries.
  • A lower DIO is generally more favorable than a high DIO.

More Resources

Thank you for reading CFI’s guide to Days Inventory Outstanding. To keep learning and advancing your career, the following CFI resources will be helpful:

Additional Resources

CFI is a global provider of financial modeling courses and of the FMVA Certification. CFI’s mission is to help all professionals improve their technical skills. If you are a student or looking for a career change, the CFI website has many free resources to help you jumpstart your Career in Finance. If you are seeking to improve your technical skills, check out some of our most popular courses. Below are some additional resources for you to further explore:

The Financial Modeling Certification

Analyst Certification FMVA® Program

CFI is a global provider of financial modeling courses and of the FMVA Certification. CFI’s mission is to help all professionals improve their technical skills. If you are a student or looking for a career change, the CFI website has many free resources to help you jumpstart your Career in Finance. If you are seeking to improve your technical skills, check out some of our most popular courses. Below are some additional resources for you to further explore:

The Financial Modeling Certification

Below is a break down of subject weightings in the FMVA® financial analyst program. As you can see there is a heavy focus on financial modeling, finance, Excel, business valuation, budgeting/forecasting, PowerPoint presentations, accounting and business strategy.


Financial Analyst certification curriculum


A well rounded financial analyst possesses all of the above skills!


Additional Questions & Answers

CFI is the global institution behind the financial modeling and valuation analyst FMVA® Designation. CFI is on a mission to enable anyone to be a great financial analyst and have a great career path. In order to help you advance your career, CFI has compiled many resources to assist you along the path.

In order to become a great financial analyst, here are some more questions and answers for you to discover:


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