Sell-Through Rate

The amount of inventory that is sold within a given period relative to the amount of inventory received within the same period

What is Sell-Through Rate?

Sell-through rate measures the amount of inventory that is sold within a given period relative to the amount of inventory received within the same period. Strictly speaking, sell-through rate estimates how quickly a company can sell its inventory, converting it to revenue. Essentially, it is among the most important key performance indicators (KPI) in inventory management. Most notably, it is commonly employed in the retail industry.

Sell-Through Rate

Sell-Through Rate and Inventory Management

Proper inventory management is always challenging. If a company holds a lot of inventory, it may face problems with selling all the inventory. On the other hand, if a company lacks enough inventory, it may not be able to cope with the demand from its customers. Thus, a company must maintain a proper balance between its inventory and market trends to meet its customers’ demand and minimize its inventory and storage costs.

The sell-through rate is a helpful metric that reveals how fast a company is turning over its inventory within a certain period. It can guide the company in making any necessary adjustments to its inventory strategy.

Generally, every company aims to maximize its sell-through rate. A high rate is an indication that a business sells most of its inventory received in a period. Therefore, it does not need to spend a lot of money to stock excess inventory.

Note that the sell-through rate can indicate problems with moving inventory, but it does not reveal the causes of the problems. In addition, note that the retail industry is highly influenced by seasonal trends. Thus, a decline in the company’s sell-through rate may be caused by a seasonal trend.

How to Calculate Sell-Through Rate?

Sell-through rate is calculated using the formula below:

Sell-Through Rate - Formula

Generally, the metric is calculated on a monthly basis.

Practical Example

XYZ Store is a local grocery store. Its owner wants to assess the store’s sell-through rate in order to improve inventory management. Last month, the store received 200 units of products from its suppliers. At the same time, the store sold 140 units of its products for a month. The rate can be calculated in the following way:

Sell-Through Rate - Example

A sell-through rate of 70% is a solid result. However, if the store’s owner wants to increase the figure in the future, he has two options. The first option includes the acceleration of sales. For example, the store may start some promotions to sell more units in the next month. Alternatively, the store may order less from its suppliers, resulting in a higher sell-through percentage.

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CFI is a global provider of financial modeling courses and of the FMVA Certification. CFI’s mission is to help all professionals improve their technical skills. If you are a student or looking for a career change, the CFI website has many free resources to help you jumpstart your Career in Finance. If you are seeking to improve your technical skills, check out some of our most popular courses. Below are some additional resources for you to further explore:

The Financial Modeling Certification

Analyst Certification FMVA® Program

CFI is a global provider of financial modeling courses and of the FMVA Certification. CFI’s mission is to help all professionals improve their technical skills. If you are a student or looking for a career change, the CFI website has many free resources to help you jumpstart your Career in Finance. If you are seeking to improve your technical skills, check out some of our most popular courses. Below are some additional resources for you to further explore:

The Financial Modeling Certification

Below is a break down of subject weightings in the FMVA® financial analyst program. As you can see there is a heavy focus on financial modeling, finance, Excel, business valuation, budgeting/forecasting, PowerPoint presentations, accounting and business strategy.


Financial Analyst certification curriculum


A well rounded financial analyst possesses all of the above skills!


Additional Questions & Answers

CFI is the global institution behind the financial modeling and valuation analyst FMVA® Designation. CFI is on a mission to enable anyone to be a great financial analyst and have a great career path. In order to help you advance your career, CFI has compiled many resources to assist you along the path.

In order to become a great financial analyst, here are some more questions and answers for you to discover:


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