Learn Risk Management with CFI

Topic Overview

Modern businesses face a diverse set of risks and dangers. Risk management is vital to organizations and helps them minimize firmwide risk while identifying unique opportunities. This top-down strategy can identify, assess, and prepare organizations for potential losses, hazards, and risks that could lead to losses or act as an obstacle to goals. Read more
At CFI, our courses are 100-percent online and completely self-paced, so you can develop your finance skills at the time that works best. All courses leverage proprietary technology to enhance learning and retention and prepare you for a future in finance.

24 courses

Consisting of over 1180+ lessons

130+ interactive exercises

Learn by doing with guided simulations

Expert instructors

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On need-to-know subject matter

Blockchain certificate

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500,000+ 5 star ratings

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Our library of finance and data analytics courses and simulations covers a vast array of topics from beginner to advanced, suitable for any finance enthusiast. Aspiring analysts or seasoned finance professionals alike can bolster their risk management acumen, while earning continuing professional education credits; courses can also be applied to CFI’s various certifications and specializations to advance your career.

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Why Learn Risk Management with CFI?

As one of the leading providers of online financial analyst certification programs, CFI helps current and aspiring finance professionals reach their career goals. All of our courses are designed with the help of professional Wall Street trainers with decades of experience training new hires in global investment firms.

We offer comprehensive financial education that combines theory with application to build real-world skills for a future in finance. All programs are condensed and self-paced, so you can learn in your free time and develop your skillset anytime, from anywhere.

Over 75% of CFI learners report improved productivity or competency within weeks.

With CFI’s courses, you can approach Risk Management through a variety of lenses:

Business strategy, including tools and frameworks used by management teams and the financial services industry to understand and quantify business risk
How to use scenario and sensitivity analysis techniques to explore a range of potential outcomes for a firm and its financial projections
Evaluate how risk affects a firm’s weighted average cost of capital
Measure credit risk and understand how capital structure decisions can create financial risk for a business and its management team
How to make sense of the business environment to identify macroeconomic forces that may create risks for an organization
How to deploy derivative products to hedge against specific risks like interest rate, commodities, and foreign exchange risks
Use business intelligence and data analytics tools and techniques to create predictive models
Employ industry analysis techniques to quantify sector and industry-specific risks and opportunitie
Evaluate risks associated with environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors and quantify their impact on projects and companies

Who should take these courses?

Robust risk management protocols are necessary for all modern organizations. CFI’s courses will support management teams, board members, consultants, and analysts of all stripes in understanding the risks and opportunities facing organizations today.

Investment professionals

Management consultants

Financial analysts

Registered Provider: National Association of State Boards of Accountancy

All courses are accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB), CPA Institutions in Canada, and the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) in the US. Most courses qualify for verified CPE credits for CPA charter holders.

Courses include video lessons, templates, quizzes, and final assessments.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you haven’t found your answer from our FAQ, please send us a message.
What is Risk Management?

Risk management is the identification, evaluation, and prioritization of risks followed by the coordinated and economical application of resources to monitor and control the impact of the events and maximize opportunities.

What is Enterprise Risk Management?

According to the Commission of Sponsoring Organization of the Treadway Commission, the enterprise risk management definition is “a process, effected by an entity’s board of directors, management and other personnel, applied in strategy setting and across the enterprise, designed to identify potential events that may affect the entity, and manage risk to be within its risk appetite, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of entity objectives.”

What is Enterprise Risk Management Framework?

Enterprise risk management framework is a strategy that helps organizations gain a comprehensive understanding of their overall risk. Implementing an enterprise risk management framework establishes a consistent risk management culture, regardless of industry standards or employee turnover.

If you haven’t found your answer from our FAQ, please send us a message.
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